Online learning the technical boon.
There is a drastic change in the growth of the internet from nearly non-existent into the largest and most accessible database ever made. It completely changed the way people communicate, shop, socialize, think and also learn. Online schooling or learning has changed the face of the traditional schooling process which includes classrooms, white/black boards etc.
Online education is a form of education where students use their computers or laptops to attend classes through the internet. Online education and online courses have enormously increased in the past decade.
What exactly is Online Education?
Computer based education, web based education, internet based training, online training, e-learning, m-learning( mobile learning), computer aided distance education. Online education is called by many names and comes in a variety of styles, but at its core the above mentioned.
What are the advantages of Online Learning?
1. Efficiency.
Online learning offers teachers various tools such as PDF, Videos, podcast and images to explain students efficiently and practically.
2. Always accessible.
Online learning offers students to attend classes from any location of their choice. It has no geographical boundaries. It brings comfort and education together which is an advantage for students and teachers.
3. Affordable.
Online education or learning reduces a lot of unnecessary expenses that include student transport fee, food expenses and many more. Thus creating paperless learning is eco friendly.
4. Improvement in student attendance.
As everyone can access food from everywhere, there are less chances of missing out on classes or lessons. You can attend the classes from home as well.
5. Variety of learning styles.
Every student has their own way of learning, few are visual learners, few learn through audio, few students thrive in the classrooms and others are solo learners. Online learning can be personalized in many ways. It is the best way to create a perfect learning environment that suits different students.
6. Safety
Online is safe for your kids also during this pandemic. As kids are staying at their homes and learning it is more beneficial for both kids, parents and teachers.
7. Flexibility
Online learning provides flexibility for both teachers and students. Though they have time to join the class and subjects. They can listen to the class and take notes from their respected homes and comfortable places.
They can also get access to classes from anywhere at any time. This makes online learning more flexible.
8. Unlock more learning opportunities.
If you want your kids to learn different languages or any other subjects that are being taught by their school, no worries you can find all kinds of courses, languages and many more online where they can easily get access for.
This improves your kids interest to learn and stay updated with all the latest courses and classes.
Technology has been growing tremendously from the past decade, and we have to stay updated with it. Online learning is one such update. Which is easy, efficient and helpful for this generation of kids.