Manage the precious time:
“Time is very precious, don’t waste it.” This is what our elders instructs us all the time, and we really don’t understand how we are wasting it until we are very old to understand it. Time keeps on running continuously, and once we waste it, we are not able to get it back again. People who understand the value of time are the most successful or knowledgable people in the world. They know how to manage time and use it to its optimum level.
What is time management:
Time management is the process of planning and organising work to know how much time needs to be spent in each activity. People often prepare time tables or everyday to do list to manage their work and time. Once we know how to utilise time, we can complete our activities effectively.
Most of the time we think that we don’t have enough time left, and we end up doing nothing. But there are twenty-four hours in a day, and if we know how to make it work, we will have ample time left to complete other activities too.
How to manage time:
Know your goal:
Know the goal which you want to achieve. When you know your goal, it becomes easy for you to work according to it. Try to break it into small, achievable steps.
Prioritise your work:
Most of the time we end up doing unnecessary things where the work which should have been completed remains untouched. It’s always good to prioritise work according to their urgency. Know which work needs your attention first than others.
Set a time limit for each activity:
Setting a time limit or allotting time to each activity helps us to complete them within the specified time. This helps us to know what all activities we are going to do in a single day. And if there is any work which we are not able to touch due to time constraints, we might pass that to someone else who can do it for us.
Organise your work:
Organising work helps us to know their importance and the dead line of completion. Once the work is organised, it is easy to complete.
Benefits of time management:
On time completion of work:
Time management helps us to complete all our pending work on time. When our work is completed on time, we can concentrate on other things which are not so important but still need our attention.
Helps in releasing stress:
When we are not able to complete our work within time, we feel stressed and overloaded. Once we know how to manage our time, we can complete our work, hence releasing ourselves from stress.
Spend more time with family and friends:
Time management not only helps us to complete our work on time, but it also provides us with ample time which we can give to our friends and family who are the ultimate happiness givers to us.
“Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment in life.”