The ability to understand, control, and analyze our emotions is known as emotional intelligence. It is said to be one of the most powerful tools for understanding our emotions and behavior and rectifying them accordingly. For adults, it is not difficult to control their emotions, but exceptions are always present. In this article, we are going to talk about the emotional intelligence of kids. How can we teach them to control their emotions and help them become strong enough to face the world? Kids are the ones who are in a growing phase and might not know what emotional intelligence is or how they can control their emotions. It does seem to be a little hard to make them understand how to behave in different situations, but it is not impossible as well. As letters and numbers are drilled every day in their minds, so can be done with these skills as well.
For children aged between 3 and 9, the answer is always nice or good when asked how they are feeling. Sometimes they are not able to give words to their feelings, and this is the place where we, as teachers or parents, have to do our work. Asking them questions like, “How are they feeling? Why are they feeling that way? What happened? What should they do to feel better?) make them feel good as well as understand why they are feeling low or happy and also learn to give words to their feelings.
According to various research, checking their mood on a regular basis can help them feel nice as well as develop their emotional intelligence.
Why is it important to develop emotional intelligence?
Sometimes we wonder whether it is important to develop emotional intelligence in kids or not. But actually, if it were developed, it would help them in many ways:
Thinking beforehand
The difference between an emotionally charged person and others is that they act according to their emotions. Where a normal person would engage in any uncontrolled behavior like shouting at somebody or misbehaving, an emotionally charged person would analyze the situation and think beforehand about how they should handle it.
Understanding one’s own personality
Many studies have revealed that we are so busy understanding others that we don’t have time to understand ourselves. Knowing oneself would help a person to regulate their behavior as they would have their self-worth. Rather than judging others’ behavior, they would indulge in understanding their own behavior.
Understanding others
Empathizing with others is the most powerful tool used by such people. They try to understand the situation of the other person and help them in their moments of need. Sometimes we might wonder “why are others not understanding us?”, but the only thing to know here is that that’s the only difference between a normal and an intelligent person.
Knowing the above, we must help our kids develop their emotional intelligence and deal with people accordingly.