01 Jun

10 fun & educational things to do with kids this summer

10 fun and Educational Things to do with kids this summer.

As the summer vacation is going to arrive, it is a huge task for parents to take care of kids at home all day and entertain them. As it is said that no writing or reading is allowed in summer, you can do fun educational stuff that does both entertaining and educating children in the meantime. So let us have a look at those 10 fun and Educational Things to do with kids this summer.

1.Hit the library.

Of course, no kid loves to go to the library and read books in summer. But during summers to keep children entertained, they have many interesting programs including prizes, events, and many more.

flat screen TV on brown wooden shelf

2. Introduce Audiobooks

As kids are desperate about stories like Harry Potter, you can download them as audiobooks as they are still not very good with their reading skills.

turned-on iPhone 6

3. Outdoor Fun

You have to take them out away from screens. Going out and playing in the garden close to nature makes them learn so many new things. Nature is the best teacher as always.

group of children pulling brown rope

4. Create a daily journal

As kids just start to learn writing, you can ask them to start a journal that helps them improve writing and also becomes a beautiful memory from childhood.

person holding blue and red paper

5. Family Game Nights

You can plan a game night at home with UNO cards, and many more which will teach them shapes, colours and also a little fun for the family.

boy in grey crew-neck t-shirt plays LEGO bricks with white manual book

6. Set up a cupcake stand.

There are many things you can learn from putting up a stall. Kids can learn about maths, how much they need to charge, how much they should give back. How to explain their stall and many more.

cupcakes on white ceramic plate

7. Grow fruits or vegetables.

By doing gardening, kids will know the responsibility and also learn many important things like how hard it is to grow food, and at the same time, it is a lot of fun for kids.

boy in black and white long sleeve shirt standing beside gray metal watering can during daytime

8. Cook some math in your kitchens.

Baking is a kind of maths and delicious maths! Teach them the quantities needed, how to calculate quantities of flour to double the cake size, and many more.

woman in black and white striped long sleeve shirt holding stainless steel bowl

9. Melt things in the sun.

Kids know that it is hot outside, but do a practical lesson to teach them how hot it will be in summer. Take a bunch of crayons and put them out in the direct sun, leave them, and look after a few hours.

green and yellow leaf plant

10. Summer Homework.

If your kids have any summer homework, assist them and help them in doing this, which will be fun and educational for both you and your kid. But remember not to help them too much. That can spoil them.

girl holding pencil

“Children must be taught how to think not what to think.”….Margaret Mead

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